SCAN-TO-CHECKIN. It’s just that easy!

Do you need to check-in guests at your next event? Teaching a class and need to track who attends? Are you looking for the easiest possible way to trace the basic information of your customers to satisfy your public health agency’s Contact Tracing requirements? SCAN-TO-CHECKIN is all you need!

More Than Just a Link to Your Website

SCAN-TO-CHECKIN allows businesses, non-profit organizations, and places of worship to open safely and help reduce the spread of COVID19. Knowing who enters your space and when can allow public health agencies to stop potential outbreaks before they expand. With SCAN-TO-CHECKIN, your business or organization can help the fight against COVID19.

SCAN-TO-CHECKIN also provides your guests with customized information upon CheckIn–your specials, promotions that are available, directions for how best to enjoy your services safely. SCAN-TO-CHECKIN will enhance your guests’ experience while keeping everyone and their personal information safe.

Scan or click for demo

Sign Up

Sign up for your SCAN-TO-CHECKIN account today! Once you have created your account and purchased a subscription to SCAN TO CHECKIN, visit our Members Only section and tell us a bit about your business. We’ll create customized QR Codes with your company logo and colours, as well as a message for your guests. Everything you need to re-open your space safely will be delivered to you the next business day. 


Posters and Signage

Once your SCAN-TO-CHECKIN account is created and you’ve told us about your organization, we’ll send you a variety of printable PDFs with QR codes and instructions you can place around your business. Your customers/clients/students then simply scan the QR code upon entry and input their contact details.

Secure Storage

Once your customers/clients/students/guests have used SCAN-TO-CHECKIN, we will timestamp their entry, securely store their information, and supply you with customized reports anytime you need them. Contact Tracing has never been easier! Sign Up Today

Easy, Reliable, Secure Contact Tracing

Required Contact Tracing

Why you need to do it and what information is collected

Public Health Agencies around the world are now requiring businesses, schools, places of worship, and community associations to trace who enters their premises to control possible COVID19 outbreaks. SCAN-TO-CHECKIN makes it simple to comply with these regulations.

When your customers/clients/students/guests scan the SCAN-TO-CHECKIN QR code, they’ll be asked to provide their name and email address. That’s it. SCAN-TO-CHECKIN will then log their entry, timestamp it, and store it securely. And we promise to never use your or your customers’ information or sell it to third-parties. Ever.

What’s Included With Your SCAN-TO-CHECKIN Account?

Everything you need, plus peace of mind.

Once your account is created and you’ve told us a bit about your organization, SCAN-TO-CHECKIN will supply you with a variety of printable posters and instructions that can be placed anywhere in your space, including:

8.5 x 11″ Posters

Table Placards

Secure Storage–every scan is time-stamped and logged in our system and securely stored.

Increase Your Email List. While SCAN-TO-CHECKIN will never use your guests’ information or sell it to third parties, we can include a permission request upon CheckIn. Your guests can simply check the box to permit you to contact them in the future with promotions or news from your company.


Peace of Mind has never been less expensive

For just $20 CAD/month per location, SCAN-TO-CHECKIN will log, time-stamp, and store your visitor’s basic contact information to meet contact tracing requirements. Create your SCAN-TO-CHECKIN account quickly and easily and we’ll take care of the rest.

Create Your SCAN-TO-CHECKIN Account Today!

Why wait? To open your business, school, place of worship, or community centre safely, you’re required to know who enters your building and when. Let SCAN-TO-CHECKIN collect and securely store that information for you.

How SCAN-TO-CHECKIN Works-For Your Visitors

Your Guest/Customer/Attendee arrives at your location and sees a handy QR Code from SCAN-TO-CHECKIN posted on the wall or beautifully framed on your reception desk, along with Instructions for its use.

Your Guest/Customer/Attendee scans the QR Code provided by SCAN TO CHECKIN with their phone or tablet. If they don’t have their own device, your staff can use theirs to scan and input the information for them.

Your Guest/Customer/Attendee types in their name and email address,
and reads the custom message you’ve supplied in SCAN-TO-CHECKIN. If you’ve chosen to include a permission to contact, they check that box to join your email list.

Then, after sanitizing their hands and putting on their mask, they enter your establishment and enjoy your services. It’s just that easy!


Frequently Asked

Why Is Contact Tracing Necessary?
To safely re-open businesses during the COVID19 pandemic, many local, provincial/state, and federal governments now require businesses, schools, places of worship, and non-profit organizations to collect the names and contact information of their attendees. This allows health officials to contact anyone who might have been exposed if there’s an outbreak link to your business or event.
Is Collecting Personal Information Mandatory?
No, but it is strongly recommended by most public health organizations. Providing information is voluntary for attendees. An organization must obtain an individual’s consent and notify them about
the purpose and legal authority for the collection. SCAN-TO-CHECKIN does all that for you.
Will The Government Request Information From Every Guest at Every Event?
No. Public Health agencies may request contact information for your guests/customers/attendees if a potential expose occurs on your premises.
Whose Contact Information Does My Business Need to Collect?
For businesses/workplaces, contact information should be recorded for staff, workers, and volunteers on shift–and patrons, customers, or members of the general public. SCAN-TO-CHECKIN makes it easy for your staff to CheckIn at the beginning of every shift and for your guests/customers/attendees to CheckIn every time they walk in your door.
Do you have contractors working onsite? Repairmen? They can SCAN-TO-CHECKIN, too!
What Information Does SCAN-TO-CHECKIN Collect?
Scan To CheckIn collects the name and email address of every person who enters your space.
Does SCAN-TO-CHECKIN Use or Sell My Guests' Information?
No. Never. SCAN-TO-CHECKIN securely stores your guests’ information so it’s available when you or public health officials need it. We will never use that information or sell it to third parties.
Can I Use The Information SCAN-TO-CHECKIN Collects to Contact My Guests?
SCAN-TO-CHECKIN can add a “permission to contact” button to your customized CheckIn process. Your guests can simply check the box to give you permission to email them in the future about promotions, events, or news from your organization. Increasing your email mailing list has never been easier!
What Does SCAN-TO-CHECKIN cost?
For just $20 CAD/month, SCAN-TO-CHECKIN will continuously CheckIn your staff, volunteers, and guests and securely store their information.
What Happens If Public Health Needs To Collect My Guests' Information?
If a potential COVID19 exposure occurs in your establishment, you simply Contact Us by phone or email and request a report for the timeframe the exposure may have occurred. We’ll make sure you get the right information to keep everyone safe.
What If My Guest Doesn't Have a Smartphone?
If your guest doesn’t have a smartphone, your staff can simply use their device to scan the QR Code and enter the guest’s details. Or, you can provide a kiosk with a tablet for your guests to use, but this would need to be wiped down regularly.
What If a Customer Refuses to SCAN-TO-CHECKIN?
If a customer/guest/attendee refuses to give their information, you’ll need to decide if you will allow them to enter your premises. Providing personal information is highly recommended, but not mandatory. Your guests can rest assured that using SCAN-TO-CHECKIN is the most secure way to provide their information.
What If I Have More Than One Location?

If you have more than one business location, you’ll need one SCAN TO CHECKIN subscription for each location. Information collected from your guests will be logged to the specific location they entered. This makes it easy to know who was where at any given time. Each SCAN TO CHECKIN subscription is just $20 CAD/month per location.